Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Ant
3) Apache Common
4) Class Definition
5) Collections
6) Data Type
7) Database
8) Design Pattern
9) Development
10) EJB3
11) Email
12) File
13) Generics
14) Hibernate
15) Internationalization
16) J2EE Application
17) J2ME
18) JPA
19) JSP
20) JSTL
21) JUnit
22) Language
23) Log
24) Network
25) Operators
26) PDF
27) Reflection
28) Regular Expressions
29) Security
30) Servlet
31) Spring
32) Statement Control
33) Swing
34) Swing Event
35) SWT
36) SWT 2D Graphics
37) Thread
38) Web Services SOA
39) XML
1) A class that displays information about a URL
2) A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
3) A multithreaded Socket Server
4) A Thin SMTP Client
5) A utility class for parsing HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers
6) A Web Page Source Viewer
7) Accepting a Connection on a ServerSocketChannel
8) Accessing a Password-Protected URL
9) Add Parameter to URL
10) Add parameters stored in the Map to the uri string
11) Add two URI path segments
12) All Headers
13) An updated version of the ListNets program that uses the NetworkInterface enhancements
14) Authenticator
15) Authenticator setDefault(new Authenticator())
16) Build query string for URL
17) Call a servlet from a Java command line application
18) Chain the InputStream to a Reader
19) Channel selector
20) Check if a page exists
21) Cipher Socket
22) Compare two InetAddresses
23) Compressed socket
24) Connect through a Proxy
25) Convert a URL to a URI
26) Convert an absolute URI to a URL
27) Converting Between a Filename Path and a URL
28) Converting Between a URL and a URI
29) Converting text to be used within a URL
30) Converting x-www-form-urlencoded Data
31) CookieStore
32) Create a ServerSocket
33) Create a socket
34) Create a socket with a timeout
35) Create a socket without a timeout
36) Create a URL that refers to a jar file in the file system
37) Create a URL that refers to an entry in the jar file
38) Create and resolve URI
39) Create BufferedInputStream from URL
40) Create InetAddress by Name
41) Create Socket by IP address and port number
42) Create SocketChannel from IP address
43) Creating a Non-Blocking Socket
44) Creating a URL with a single string
45) Creating a URL With components
46) Creating an SSL Client Socket
47) Creating an SSL Server Socket
48) Data server
49) Day time Client (Getting the time)
50) Daytime Client
51) Decoding and encoding URLs
52) Demonstrate asynchronous connection of a SocketChannel
53) Detect Proxy Settings for Internet Connection
54) Detecting When a Non-Blocking Socket Is Closed by the Remote Host
55) Display header information
56) Display request method
57) Display response message
58) Display Socket InetAddress, Port, LocalPort and Local address
59) Download and display the content
60) Downloading a web page using URL and URLConnection classes
61) Dump a page using the HTTPS protocol
62) Echo Client
63) Eliminate Query
64) Encode a path as required by the URL specification
65) Encode a URI path
66) Encoding Aware Source Viewer
67) Enumeration of NetworkInterface
68) Escape HTML special characters from a String
69) Extends HTMLEditorKit ParserCallback
70) Extract links from an HTML page
71) Extracts the base URL from the given URL by stripping the query and anchor part
72) Fetch Cookie with CookieHandler, CookieManager and CookieStore
73) File size from URL
74) Find a point in URI where URI can be split into a namespace part and a local name
75) Find and display hyperlinks contained within a web page
76) Finger Client
77) Generic Server
78) Get All addresses by name
79) Get all hyper links from a web page
80) Get canonical host name
81) Get Content from a URL
82) Get files updated last 24 hours
83) Get Host name from InetAddress
84) Get InputStream and OutputStream from Socket
85) Get IP address from NetworkInterface and create server socket
86) Get internet address from connected socket client
87) Get local host from InetAddress
88) Get MAC address of a host
89) Get my own address
90) Get Parent URI
91) Get response code
92) Get response header from HTTP request
93) Get the date of a url connection
94) Get the document expiration date
95) Get the document Last-modified date
96) Get the entry name; it should be the same as specified on URL
97) Get URI from File
98) Getting a Jar File Using a URL
99) Getting an Image from a URL
100) Getting Text from a URL
101) Getting the Cookies from an HTTP Connection
102) Getting the IP Address of a Hostname
103) Getting the Links in an HTML Document
104) Getting the Response Headers from an HTTP Connection
105) Getting the Text in an HTML Document
106) Grabbing a page using socket
107) Header Viewer
108) Hello Server
109) High Port Scanner
110) HTML Parser
111) HTML parser based on HTMLEditorKit ParserCallback
112) Http connection Utilities
113) Http Constants
114) HTTP Grab with FileChannel
115) Http Header Helper
116) Identify ourself to a proxy
117) Identify yourself using HTTP Authentification
118) InetAddress java net Authenticator getRequestingSite()
119) Int java net Authenticator getRequestingPort()
120) Interface Lister
121) Is Equal URI
122) Java net Authenticator can be used to send the credentials when needed
123) Java net InetAddress isReachable(int) can be used to check if a server is reachable or not
124) Java net PasswordAuthentication PasswordAuthentication(String userName, char[] password)
125) Java net Socket
126) Java net URL
127) Java net URLConnection
128) Joining a Multicast Group
129) Last Modified
130) Lightweight HTTP Server
131) List All Cookies
132) Local Port Scanner
133) Locating files by path or URL
134) Logging Server based on SocketServer
135) Low Port Scanner
136) Make a URL from the given string
137) Multicast Sender
138) Multicast Sniffer
139) NetworkInterface
140) New IO Hello Server
141) New URL(mailto
142) Normalize a uri containing and paths
143) Object server
144) Parse a x-www-form-urlencoded string
145) Parse Host
146) Parse Port
147) Parsing a URL
148) Parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers
149) Ping a host
150) Port Scanner
151) POSTing data to an HTTP server
152) Preventing Automatic Redirects in a HTTP Connection
153) Programmatic Access to Network Parameters
154) ProtocolTester
155) Provides a method to encode any string into a URL-safe form
156) Provides a simple interface for assembling GET URLs
157) Read a GIF or CLASS from an URL and save it locally
158) Read and write through socket
159) Read and write with DatagramPacket
160) Read data from a URL
161) Read float number from a Socket
162) Read from a URL with buffered stream
163) Read from URL
164) Read Object from Socket
165) Reading A Web Resource
166) Reading from a SocketChannel
167) Reading from a URLConnection
168) Receiving a Datagram
169) Receiving from a Multicast Group
170) Relative URL
171) Remove any authorisation details from a URI
172) Remove parameters from a uri
173) Report By Address
174) Report By Name
175) Resolve a relative URL
176) Return True if the uri has a scheme
177) Returns the anchor value of the given URL
178) Returns true if the URL represents a path, and false otherwise
179) Save binary file from URL
180) Save URL contents to a file
181) Save Web page to a file
182) Secure Communication with JSSE
183) Send a Datagram
184) Send string to each connected client
185) Sending a Cookie to an HTTP Server
186) Sending a Datagram
187) Sending a POST Request Using a Socket
188) Sending a POST Request Using a URL
189) Sending a POST Request with Parameters From a Java Class
190) Sending to a Multicast Group
191) ServerSocketChannel
192) Set up DatagramChannel
193) Show the content length
194) Show the content type
195) Socket based on new IO and DatagramChannel
196) Socket Info
197) SSL Server Demo
198) String java net Authenticator getRequestingHost()
199) String java net Authenticator getRequestingPrompt()
200) Test non-blocking accept() using ServerSocketChannel
201) Thread based ServerSocket
202) Time Client
203) Time server
204) Timer server with Thread
205) Transfer a file via Socket
206) Translate host names to Internet addresses
207) UDP Discard Client
208) UDP Echo Client
209) UDP Echo Server With Channels
210) UDP pocket sender and receiver
211) UDP Port Scanner
212) UDP Time Client
213) UDP time server based on New IO
214) URI
215) URL connection and proxy
216) URL decoder
217) URL encoding
218) URL Equality
219) URL Splitter
220) URLConnection openStream is more powerful than URL openStream
221) URLDecoder 2
222) URLEncoder
223) Use BufferedReader to read content from a URL
224) Use ByteBuffer for Socket communication
225) Use SocketChannel to get Web page
226) User Datagram Protocol Programming
227) Using a Selector to Manage Non-Blocking Server Sockets
228) Using CookieHandler in Java 5
229) Using javax swing text html HTMLEditorKit to parse html document
230) Utility to convert File to URL
231) Web ping
232) When no entry is specified on the URL, the entry name is null
233) Whois Client
234) Writing to a SocketChannel
235) Writing to a Web server
236) Zip server socket
237) Zip socket